She Applied My Lessons
June 1982

“She Applied My Lessons,” Ensign, June 1982, 65

She Applied My Lessons

I have a heritage of foremothers devoted to Relief Society, and that habit became mine when I was married. It became especially rich for me when serving one time as a teacher. Month after month a certain sister would report to me the benefits of practicing the challenges I had given the sisters the previous month. Her reports made me more conscious of the challenges I gave—and also those I received in the various meetings I attended. Her example motivated “lesson application” in my life as never before. I’m grateful for a Church organization that enables us to teach one another the gospel. The blessing of Relief Society is multiplied many times when I try to “practice what is preached.”—Loraine Tolman Pace, Logan, Utah

Photography by Eldon K. Linschoten
