“Church Recognized for New Bible Edition,” Ensign, Dec. 1982, 71
Church Recognized for New Bible Edition
General Authorities, media representatives, and onlookers gathered in the lobby of the Church Office Building on October 15 as an award was presented to the Church by the Laymen’s National Bible Committee. The award, an embossed citation, was presented to the Church “in appreciation of outstanding service to the bible cause through the publication of its own new edition of the King James Version which features interpretive chapter headings, a simplified footnote system and the linking of references to all other LDS scripture—thereby greatly enhancing the study of the Bible by its membership.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley, Counselor in the First Presidency, accepted the award on behalf of the Church from Max Chopnick, vice president of the Laymen’s National Bible Committee and a prominent attorney. President Hinckley expressed “grateful and deep thanks for the recognition afforded” the Church.