undefined undefined Merry Christmas Tree
Merry Christmas Tree
December 1982

“Merry Christmas Tree,” Ensign, Dec. 1982, 64

Merry Christmas Tree

••C•• ookies with red and green sprinkles on top;

••HHH•• olly and mistletoe, mom kissing pop;

••RRRR•• ibbons to tie up each package with bows;

••IIIIIIIIIIIIII•• cicles, sleigh bells, and Rudolph’s red nose;

••SSSSSSSSSS•• now on the rooftops and bright lights that twinkle;

••TTTTTTTTTTTTT•• alk about Santa and how his eyes crinkle;

••MMMMMMMMMMM•• instrels and carolers sing of His birth,

••AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA•• nd men of good will hope for peace on the earth.

••SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS•• avor each moment of this time of cheer, and

CHRISTMAS will live in your heart through the year.

I used this idea for our Christmas cards last year. Susan D. Anderson, Sepulveda, California