undefined undefined Season’s Greetings
Season’s Greetings
December 1982

“Season’s Greetings,” Ensign, Dec. 1982, 65

Season’s Greetings

In our home, creating a personalized family Christmas card has been an enjoyable home evening activity for many years. It has also given us an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

Last year we began by giving each member of the family three 5-inch by 8-inch cards, with instructions to draw on each something that has special meaning for them at Christmas. (Because children’s drawings often treat the same subjects, asking for three ensured some variety.) When the artwork was completed and signed by the artists, together we chose the ones that would make up our family greeting card.

We arranged them on a large piece of paper and did additional artwork to tie them all together, as shown. Then we took the artwork to a local quick-copy center, had it reduced so that it could be printed on a standard 8 1/2-by-11-inch sheet of paper, and then had the needed copies made. At the next home evening (and several evenings thereafter) we added touches of color to our artwork with felt pens.

The Christmas-card project has brought a sense of unity and accomplishment to our family, as well as providing a unique greeting card for our friends, neighbors and extended family. The artwork has also become an important part of our family history. Michael and Maria Moody, Bountiful, Utah