“Keeping Pace,” Ensign, Mar. 1984, 78
Keeping Pace
The last in the series of children’s beginning scripture readers, Doctrine and Covenants Stories (PBIC037A), is now available at the Salt Lake Distribution Center for $3.25.
This visually rich, simply written book covers principles taught in the Doctrine and Covenants and stories from Church history. It includes maps, pictures of historic events and places, and simple dictionaries of words, places, and people.
This series of children’s readers includes Old Testament Stories (PBIC0336), New Testament Stories (PBIC0347), and Book of Mormon Stories (PBIC0325), also available at Church distribution centers. Each of these three books is now also available in filmstrip form; six film-strips and an accompanying taped narration cover the content of a single book. At a cost of $16.50 per set, the filmstrips can be ordered from the distribution center under the following stock numbers: Old Testament Stories (VVOF4054), New Testament Stories (VVOF4043), and Book of Mormon Stories (VVOF4032).
New Aaronic Priesthood manuals are now available at Church distribution centers.
The manuals contain lessons dealing with spiritual and social development, relationships with fellowmen, family responsibilities, and doctrinal principles. Filled with a variety of lesson approaches, the manuals also include color pictures and ditto masters for reproducing materials used in teaching.
The manuals can be purchased for $2.50 each. Stock numbers: Deacons—Course A, PCAP24H1; Teachers—Course A, PCAP28H9; Priests—Course A, PCAP32H0.