undefined undefined I’m Happy
I’m Happy
March 1984

“I’m Happy,” Ensign, Mar. 1984, 32

“I’m Happy”

I steered the car purposefully through the morning traffic. My mind was preoccupied with driving and the uncompleted task ahead.

“Mommy?” my 2 1/2-year-old, Christopher, questioned from his place on the seat beside me.

“Uh-huh,” I responded mechanically.

“I’m happy.”

I glanced at his cheerful face. Suddenly I realized that I was happy, too.

What a lesson his two little words taught me! I thought of how many times I complain and find fault with my circumstances in life. It seems that I am always eager to share these negative feelings with others—and yes, even with my Heavenly Father. Too often my positive feelings go unacknowledged, or worse yet, unrecognized. “I’m happy,” “I’m thankful,” “I’m glad you’re part of my family,” “I love you”—all simple expressions that are much neglected in my daily conversations.

How thankful I am that Christopher shared his happy feelings with me—and for the gentle reminder through him and the Spirit that I need to share mine. Jean Seifert, Omaha, Nebraska