“Transcending Peace,” Ensign, Mar. 1984, 33
Transcending Peace
Another mistake! Out came the correcting fluid, and then I started typing again—but the job would not go smoothly. My irritation was growing, and I felt it was time to ask Father in Heaven for help.
I was typing the translations of several hymns for the Afrikaans edition of the Gospel Principles manual. Most of the work had been exhilarating, and I sang as I worked to fit the words to the music. But this particular day my fingers would not respond to my mind and my nerves were on edge. This was not the way to feel when doing the Lord’s work, so I went into my bedroom to ask for divine assistance.
A few minutes later I came back to the typewriter, but as I finished the hymn I was still making errors. The next hymn was “Daar is skoonheid oral rond” (“There Is Beauty All Around”); before I began to type I paused to visualize our Father in Heaven smiling as he watched happy families on the earth. As I typed the words about the brooklet singing and the azure sky beaming, I felt deep peace and joy in being able to assist the Lord with his work. After that, I continued my typing with a light heart and nimble fingers.
What a blessing we enjoy in receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost at baptism! A great deal of faith is demanded at first as we turn to the Lord and extend our trust to him; but what reward is experienced when we come to recognize the promptings of the Holy Ghost and realize that we are not alone. The transcending peace of that day is a memory that I will always treasure. Jane Butcher, Transvaal, South Africa
Illustrated by Jerry Thompson