undefined undefined Inspirational Stories Sought for Use in Manuals, Lessons
Inspirational Stories Sought for Use in Manuals, Lessons
July 1986

“Inspirational Stories Sought for Use in Manuals, Lessons,” Ensign, July 1986, 77

Inspirational Stories Sought for Use in Manuals, Lessons

The Curriculum Department of the Church is seeking stories of faith-promoting experiences from members for possible publication in lesson manuals and other curricular materials.

“Many faith-promoting incidents happen all the time,” said Elder Carlos E. Asay of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy, executive director of the Curriculum Department. “Many of these incidents should be shared in order to uplift and inspire others.”

For example, in one recent incident, divine guidance helped an eleven-year-old Utah boy save his baby brother’s life. The seven-month-old baby choked on a cracker and became unconscious. The parents weren’t home, but the Spirit prompted the older boy to be calm and remember his Scout training. The Heimlich maneuver dislodged the cracker and restored the baby’s breathing.

Church members with inspiring true stories to share are asked to send them in writing to Curriculum Planning and Development, 24th Floor, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150. Please include a signed statement granting the Church full rights and permission to use the story.