Song for Obedience
July 1986

“Song for Obedience,” Ensign, July 1986, 65

Song for Obedience

As the mother of four small children, I have found that if our home is to be happy and peaceful, it is essential that my children obey.

After discussing obedience with my children several times, I realized that children, like adults, require frequent reminders. During family home evening, therefore, we occasionally talk about biblical stories that stress the importance of obedience. We also discuss the commandment to honor parents. We have several favorite songs about obedience, one of which we have selected as our “obedience reminder.”

One morning, I asked my three-year-old son to get dressed. He said, “No, I don’t want to.” So I quietly began singing the agreed-upon song. He smiled and then quickly and happily obeyed.

I have found that there is an added bonus to this “reminder.” My own frustration dissipates when I am singing a happy song. Robyn Butterfield Buttars, Lewiston, Utah
