April 1987

“Contents,” Ensign, Apr. 1987, 1


April 1987

Volume 17 Number 4

On the cover: Jesus in the Synagogue at Nazareth, by Greg K. Olsen, 15″ by 20″, oil, 1987. Courtesy of Leo and Annette Beus.

Inside front cover: Portrait of the Savior, by Greg K. Olsen, 18″ by 15″, oil, 1986. Courtesy of Elder Hugh W. Pinnock.

Inside back cover: “This Do in Remembrance of Me,” by Harry Anderson. © Pacific Press Publishing Association; used by permission. On the fifth day of the week, which was the Galilean Passover, Jesus and his disciples retired to a house, the large upper room of which was “furnished and prepared.” (Mark 14:15.) Here they observed the Passover, at which time Jesus instituted the sacrament in remembrance of his atoning sacrifice shortly to come.
