“Upcoming LDS Pageants,” Ensign, Apr. 1987, 75
Upcoming LDS Pageants
More than 395,000 people attended pageants pertaining to the Church in 1986, according to Ross Ekins, manager of pageants and visitors’ centers. A list of pageants scheduled for 1987 follows:
Jesus the Christ will be presented April 1–18 on the Arizona Temple grounds in Mesa.
At the LDS visitors’ center in Independence, Missouri, Independence 1833 will be staged June 25–27.
The annual Mormon Miracle pageant will be held on the Manti Temple grounds July 9–11 and July 14–18.
At Hill Cumorah in Palmyra, New York, America’s Witness for Christ will play July 24–25, July 28–31, and August 1.
The Castle Valley pageant in Castle Valley, Utah, is scheduled for August 5–8.
In Nauvoo, Illinois, The City of Joseph will be presented August 11–15.
Martin Harris, the Man Who Knew, is scheduled for August 25–29 in Clarkston, Utah. (There will be a small admission charge for this pageant.)
In Calgary, Canada, The Nativity Pageant will run from December 18–26.
The pageants typically begin shortly after dark, and early arrival is advised to be assured of good seats. Admission is free, except for the Clarkston pageant. For additional information, call (801) 531-2767 and ask for the manager of pageants and visitors’ centers.