A Four-Year-Old’s Prayer
June 1988

“A Four-Year-Old’s Prayer,” Ensign, June 1988, 49

A Four-Year-Old’s Prayer

“Brian!” I called. “Where is the calculator you were playing with? I’m ready to use it now.”

Report cards were due out tomorrow, and I was running late. I still had the scores to tally for three subjects, and then I needed to transcribe grades to the cards.

“Brian!” my voice was rising. “I need the calculator now!

Brian ran into the bedroom, where I sat surrounded by a pile of papers. I could tell he had recognized my “I’m-on-the-verge-of-losing-my-temper” voice. He seemed smaller than his usual four-year-old self as he said, “I’ve lost it, Mom.”

We searched the house for the calculator, looking everywhere—under beds, in drawers, in bookcases. We even emptied the clothes hamper.

I finally sent Brian to bed with a curt “I guess I’ll have to find it myself.” I couldn’t look at him as I left the room.

I searched for twenty minutes more with no results. I was beginning to panic. It was too late to go to the store to buy another calculator, and I knew I would be up all night if I had to add the scores on paper. I began to cry and decided I needed to pray, but I couldn’t bring myself to talk to our Father in Heaven until I had talked to my son.

Humbly, I entered Brian’s room and sat down beside him on the bed.

“Brian, I’m sorry,” I faltered, awkwardly. “I know you didn’t mean to lose the calculator. I think we need Heavenly Father’s help to find it.”

Tears came as Brian said he was sorry. Together we knelt and he offered a prayer. He told Heavenly Father that he was sorry he had lost the calculator and that I really needed it. Would Heavenly Father please help him remember where he had left it?

I said a silent prayer of my own, hoping I could match my son’s faith.

After we had finished praying, Brian sat on my lap and we talked about where he had last played. Suddenly, in my mind’s eye, I saw the calculator under the bathroom rug. At the same time, Brian said he thought he remembered playing in the bathroom. I suggested he go check there again. He walked straight to the rug and found the calculator.

With eyes shining, he handed the calculator to me. We hugged each other, rejoicing.

  • Tere Weir, a homemaker, teaches Relief Society and is a Cub Scout den leader in the Clearfield (Utah) Thirteenth Ward.

Illustrated by Steve Kropp
