Hymns at Home
June 1988

“Hymns at Home,” Ensign, June 1988, 69

Hymns at Home

When our choir learned the hymn “I Believe in Christ” by Elder Bruce R. McConkie and John Longhurst, I was so deeply touched by the words and music that I wanted to teach it to my children.

They were cooperative. We learned the hymn on Sunday mornings, one verse at a time. When the choir performed that hymn in sacrament meeting, the children enjoyed it more because it was familiar to them. But the real payoff came a few weeks later, when our music director chose it as one of the sacrament meeting hymns. I was pleased to see my children—even the teenagers—open their books and sing with zest.

We began to make hymn practice a regular part of our Sundays. Since my children did not know many of the songs in the new hymnbook, we had plenty to choose from. In the beginning I taught them hymns that were especially meaningful to me or that I thought would be meaningful to them.

Now I ask the music director for a list of the songs we will be singing in the coming month and choose our hymn from this list.

Worship through song has become a powerful force for good in our family. Hymns have taught and reinforced doctrine, invited the Spirit, touched our hearts, and inspired us.—Linda Garner, Sandy, Utah

Illustrated by Phyllis Luch
