October 1989

“Comment,” Ensign, Oct. 1989, 73


Sage’s Song

Last Sunday evening my wife read aloud to our family the article entitled “Sage’s Song” in the August Ensign. I can’t remember the last time something had the effect on me that that story had. I have since read the article two more times, and it has been on my mind constantly for the past week.

Today in sacrament meeting, a sister sang “Oh, That I Were an Angel.” As I listened, I thought about Sage. It was all I could do to keep the tears back. I don’t think Sage could be any closer to being an angel and still be a mortal being.

My heart goes out to the Volkmans and that beautiful little girl. Sage has a remarkable spirit.

Richard L. Creel
Bloomington, California

We have a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter who has spent a lot of time at the University of Utah burn unit after suffering a 30-percent third-degree burn last October. As we read Sage’s story, we understood a small fraction of the sorrow and stress that the Volkmans might feel.

We shared the story with our six- and eight-year-old sons, and we cried together. It humbled all of us.

Guy and Karen Redder and family
Burley, Idaho

I was excommunicated from the Church more than two years ago. Since then, my life has been filled with sorrow, anger, and self-pity. It has seemed at times that there was no hope left, even though many special bishops have tried to lift me up and give me confidence. I simply could not forgive myself.

However, in the last few days since I read “Sage’s Song,” my whole spirit has changed dramatically. In that article was a section in which Sage described being with Jesus. He told her that he was sorry that she was hurt and that he loved her, but that she couldn’t stay because she had “things to do” on earth. I believe I am one of those “things.” As I read this sacred article, my heart and soul were pierced with a realization of the true meaning of life. As Brother Wood said, “It has stripped away the nonessentials.” For the first time in years, my soul rejoiced and gave thanks for what I am and what I know we can all be. My quest for peace has now ended, and I have vowed to be rebaptized in this beautiful Church of God within the year.

Name Withheld

On 31 December 1988, I was in a horrible accident. I was on the verge of death for quite a while. After I was stabilized, the doctors discovered that I had lost my memory completely. I had to start from the beginning. Because of priesthood blessings, I am now back home, fulfilling my responsibilities as a wife and mother. I struggle with the hardships I face each day.

The story “Sage’s Song” has been an inspiration to me. Reading about Sage’s hardships and trials has made me feel very blessed.

Carma Billings
Payson, Utah

Hurrah for Guitar Chords!

One of the most exciting aspects of the new Children’s Songbook (June 1989) is the addition of guitar chords above the accompaniment of the songs. During our bedtime routine, my two preschoolers and I crawl up on their beds and sing and play a few of their favorite songs. This has become a beautiful way to close the day.

Steven H. Everts
Mesa, Arizona

Coping with Miscarriage

I want to thank Sister Janene Baadsgaard for her article about coping with miscarriage (July 1989). She accurately described the feelings of one who has lost a child. I felt the hurt again as I read this article, but I also found comfort in knowing that others would finally understand that my feelings are valid.

Julie Warburton
Orem, Utah

Subtle Abuse

The recent article “Unrighteous Dominion” (July 1989) was, sadly, all too timely and needed. However, there is one area that wasn’t really touched upon—teasing.

Teasing isn’t recognized as abuse. It’s “just for fun.” But most teasing hurts. To be effective, it has to cause at least a small amount of embarrassment, discomfort, or pain. If none of these elements are present, the teasing falls flat. And what are the teaser’s purposes? He usually doesn’t realize it, but he is working out his own frustration or anger on someone whom our society won’t let retaliate.

It would do us all well to evaluate our actions and to remember that a few things should never be the subject of teasing: anything personal—name, age, ethnic group, religion, personal appearance, place of residence, occupation; any endeavor in which a person is not doing well; any handicap or deformity; any family problem; or anything that requires a painful decision.

There are probably occasions where gentle, impersonal teasing would be all right. We do need humor. But any time it hurts someone, it isn’t funny.

Name Withheld

Joseph, not James

The caption on the inside front cover of the August 1989 issue reads, “In 1838 in England, Heber C. Kimball and James Fielding traveled this road from the village of Chatburn to Downham.” But it was Joseph Fielding who served in England; James Fielding never became a member of the Church. James, Joseph’s brother, was the minister of a church in Preston. Although he invited LDS missionaries to preach the gospel to his congregation, he became angry when his members joined the Church.

This is according to our family history. Joseph Fielding was my great-great-grandfather.

Delsa F. Crook
Ogden, Utah
