Her Storehouse of Love
October 1989

“Her Storehouse of Love,” Ensign, Oct. 1989, 48

Her Storehouse of Love

Helping other people has been Merle Palmer’s hobby for fifteen years. Sister Palmer, mother of three and a widow since 1966, has “retired” after giving 23,000 hours of volunteer service to the Church Storehouse Resource System. In 1971, Merle began assisting the manager of the Los Angeles Bishops’ Storehouse by filling orders for recipients. In the subsequent years, her service spanned seven different storehouse managers and aided some 60,000 recipients. “They kind of depended on me,” she says modestly, laughing a robust chuckle that comes readily when she talks.

“She worked as hard as a paid employee but was always a volunteer,” reports David Arnold, current storehouse manager. “Sister Palmer avoided recognition for this work. But she did so much for so many that she needs to be remembered.”

Besides her service in the storehouse, Merle Palmer has taught Sunday School and has been a visiting teacher. Now for twelve busy grandchildren, some of whom visit frequently, her hobby of helping continues as she welcomes the chance to love and serve them.—Lila Hansen, Los Angeles, California

Merle Palmer’s hobby is helping. (Photo by Jerry Garns.)
