undefined undefined Remembering the Pioneers—
Remembering the Pioneers—
October 1989

“Remembering the Pioneers—” Ensign, Oct. 1989, 75

Remembering the Pioneers—

Covered wagons, the beautiful sego lily that provided food in lean times, and handcarts, all familiar to LDS pioneers, were prominent themes in the Pioneer Day parade held July 24 in Salt Lake City. But Latter-day Saints in many other areas also found ways to celebrate (mostly on Saturday, July 22). Members of the Cheyenne Seventh Ward, Cheyenne Wyoming Stake, took a 4-day, 48-mile handcart journey along the Mormon Trail. In Wilmington, North Carolina, members tied their Pioneer Day activities to the celebration of their city’s 250th anniversary. Members of the Torrance North and Lawndale stakes in California staged a handcart race. And in hundreds of other wards and stakes, Latter-day Saints remembered the arrival of the first pioneers in the Salt Lake valley 142 years ago. (Photos courtesy of the Church News.)