March 1992

“Contents,” Ensign, Mar. 1992, 1


March 1992

Volume 22 Number 3

On the cover: Front: Poster commemorating Relief Society Sesquicentennial, available at the Church Distribution Center, stock no. 62621. Center back: Christ and the Woman of Samaria, by Anton Dorph.

Inside front cover: Relief Society Seals from around the World; photo by Phil Shurtleff. Top row, from left: Mola from Panama; cut paper from Utah; leatherwork from Uruguay. Second row, from left: Tray decorated with butterfly wings from Brazil; painted fabric from Germany; ceramic tile trivet from Spain; painted gourd with macramé from Korea. Third row, from left: Beadwork from Oklahoma; metalwork from South Africa; needlepoint from California. Bottom row: painted wood from Utah.

Inside back cover: The Sower, by Greg K. Olsen, oil, 24″ x 36″, 1990; The Harvester, by Greg K. Olsen, oil, 24″ x 36″, 1990.
