Report Concludes Church Funds Well Managed
March 1992

“Report Concludes Church Funds Well Managed,” Ensign, Mar. 1992, 78

Report Concludes Church Funds Well Managed

The Arizona Republic published in June and July 1991 a four-part series profiling the financial aspects of the Church. Among other observations, the Republic concluded that there was no evidence of “financial fraud or personal wealth-building among top officials” and that “there is no question that nearly all of the Church’s resources go into what it sees as its religious priorities: worshiping, missions, and education.”

The Church cooperated with the investigation for more than a year, according to Don LeFevre, director of media relations for the Church. “We provided a number of interviews and considerable information, but we never validated their estimates of the Church’s total income.

“While there were a few deficiencies in the series, it was generally positive in its treatment of the Church. I believe our open and cooperative attitude was instrumental in achieving those positive results. The conclusion of the reporters, after an extensive in-depth investigation of the financial side of the Church, was that the tithes and offerings and other income are well managed without even a hint of impropriety. This, of course, is not surprising to us, but it may have been to some of the more cynical readers of the series.”
