Church Highlights of 1991
March 1992

“Church Highlights of 1991,” Ensign, Mar. 1992, 78–79

Church Highlights of 1991

The official recognition of the Church by the Republic of Russia was among the top stories involving the Church in 1991. Related stories during the year included Mormon Tabernacle Choir concerts in Europe and in the former Soviet Union, and the organization of a mission in Bulgaria.

Other major stories involving the Church during the year included:

—Official recognition of the Church in Ivory Coast, Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, and the Congo. (See “Congo Grants Status to Church,” page 74, for further information.)

—Humanitarian aid to Russian orphanages, to Middle East refugees, to hurricane-stricken Samoa, and to the suffering in many other parts of the world.

—Worldwide membership of the Church passed the eight-million mark; the number of missions grew to 267; missionaries to more than 45,000; stakes to more than 1,820; and nations and territories with organized Church units to 135.

—New missions were created in Brazil, Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Idaho, Kenya, Trinidad, and Venezuela.

—Nine new General Authorities were called during the year.

—The 70-year-old temple in Cardston, Alberta, Canada, was rededicated after a complete renovation.

—President Ezra Taft Benson, world leader of the Church, observed his ninety-second birthday.

—The Arizona Republic concluded, after an exhaustive investigation of the financial resources of the Church, that tithing and other Church income is well managed with no abuse. (See “Report Concludes Church Funds Well Managed” below.)

—The Church observed the centennial of its presence in Tonga.

—The Church withdrew its missionaries from Haiti due to political upheaval.

—A First Presidency letter to the membership reaffirmed the Church’s morality standards of chastity outside of marriage and fidelity within marriage.

—In a First Presidency letter to local priesthood leaders about the evils of Satanic worship and ritualistic abuse, Church leaders reaffirmed their concern over child abuse of all types and cautioned local leaders to be alert to such problems and address them appropriately.

—The Church joined in a coalition promoting the passage by the U.S. Congress of the proposed Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

—A Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert saluting members of the armed forces serving in the Gulf War was carried by Armed Forces Radio to military personnel serving in the Persian Gulf.

—An expansion program at the largest of the Church’s several missionary training centers was begun in Provo, Utah, with plans to increase capacity from 3,000 to 4,000 missionaries.

—The release of Church-produced radio spots on teens and alcohol received national attention.

—The Church unveiled its values-based television magazine show in its continuing participation in the Vision Interfaith Satellite Network (VISN). (See “Latter-day Saint Television Program Airs,” this page, for further information.)

—Macmillan Publishing Company released the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, a landmark reference work completed with the cooperation of the Church. (See “Encyclopedia of Mormonism Released,” this page, for further information.)

Highlights from 1991: Clockwise from top, the newly renovated Alberta Temple; two of the 45,000 missionaries serving full-time; the Mormon Tabernacle choir in Russia; President Ezra Taft Benson on his ninety-second birthday.
