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Elder Jay E. Jensen Of the Seventy
August 1992

“Elder Jay E. Jensen Of the Seventy,” Ensign, Aug. 1992, 78

Elder Jay E. Jensen

Of the Seventy

Elder Jay E. Jensen

“One of my earliest memories is of my father reading the Book of Mormon to us at home,” says Elder Jay E. Jensen. Combined with his mother’s love of books in general, this home atmosphere pointed him toward the work he loves so well: teaching the scriptures.

“Of all callings in the Church, I am most at home in front of a class with the scriptures in my hand.”

Elder Jensen was the Church’s director of Scriptures Coordination at the time of his call to the Seventy; he handled the details of scripture authorizations, translation, publication, and distribution worldwide, under the direction of the General Authorities.

Elder Jensen says his feelings about serving among the General Authorities echo sentiments once expressed by Elder A. Theodore Tuttle, now deceased, of the First Quorum of the Seventy. Then-President Jay Jensen of the Cali Colombia Mission listened while Elder Tuttle reflected on the deep love and respect he felt for the General Authorities. “You know,” Elder Tuttle said, “I have to pinch myself sometimes to remind myself that I’m one of them.”

Elder Jensen was bishop of the Suncrest Third Ward, Orem Utah Suncrest Stake, at the time of his call. In addition to being a mission president, he has been a counselor in a stake presidency, a stake executive secretary, a high councilor, a counselor in a bishopric, a branch president at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah, and a counselor in the presidency there.

He has worked for many years in the Church Educational System, the Missionary Department, and the Curriculum Department. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and history, a master’s in Church history and doctrine, and a doctor of education degree from Brigham Young University.

Born 5 February 1942, he grew up in Mapleton, Utah. He married Lona Lee Child on 1 November 1963 in the Manti Temple. They have six children and three grandchildren.