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Elder John E. Fowler Of the Seventy
August 1992

“Elder John E. Fowler Of the Seventy,” Ensign, Aug. 1992, 77

Elder John E. Fowler

Of the Seventy

Elder John E. Fowler

Endurance running has been an important part of John Fowler’s life. He has even run in marathons. Of far greater importance in his life, however, has been what might be called endurance living.

As a new member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy, Elder John E. Fowler describes the values that have guided him and his wife, the former Marie Spilsbury: “Marie and I agreed early in our marriage that the high standards of the gospel would be the central focus of our life together, and that has put everything else in perspective for us. Our mutual love for Jesus Christ has deepened our love for each other, so our family, our church and community service, and my profession each takes its proper place.”

Elder and Sister Fowler now have six children, all of whom enjoy participating in sports and music.

John Fowler was born in Redding, California, on 10 November 1944, and graduated from high school in Denver, Colorado. He attended Brigham Young University, earning a B.S. in 1968 and a master’s degree in accounting in 1969. For the next two decades, as a C.P.A. with a major accounting firm, Brother Fowler served first in Denver and then in New Orleans in various stake positions—high councilor, counselor in a stake presidency, stake president, and regional representative. He also taught early-morning seminary and in New Orleans taught institute at Tulane University. From 1988 until 1991, he and Sister Fowler presided over the Georgia Atlanta Mission. Upon their release, they moved to Sandy, Utah.

Good endurance racers know the terrain of the race course, so they conserve strength for hills and obstacles. “In life, I have relied on the prophets and Apostles,” he says. “Following them is the surest way.

“Enduring to the end is a matter of small daily things that bring us closer to the Lord—prayer, scriptures, doing good.” Like endurance running, endurance living is done step by step.