September 1998

“Contents,” Ensign, Sept. 1998, 1


September 1998

Volume 28 Number 9

On the cover: Front: Photo by Lee Kochenderfer. Back: Photography by Craig Dimond. The newly completed replica of the Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith log home (front cover) is located south of Palmyra, New York, on the site of the original 1818–19 home. Missionaries, such as this sister who temporarily donned a pioneer bonnet, welcome visitors to the site.

Inside front cover: Jonah, by Robert T. Barrett, oil on canvas, 22″ x 28″, 1990. Released near a shoreline after having spent three days and nights in the belly of a big fish, Jonah’s experience was a foreshadowing of the Lord Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection (see Matt. 12:40). Upon returning to dry land, Jonah was obedient to the Lord’s instructions to call repentance to the people of Nineveh, who were spared destruction because they obeyed him. Just as people repented when they heard Jonah’s prophecies, we can also repent and gain eternal life because of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice.

Inside back cover: Beacon Hill, by Frank Magleby, oil on gesso panel, 36″ x 48″, 1995. On top of Herefordshire Beacon, one of the most prominent of the Malvern Hills in England, Elders Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, and Willard Richards held what has been called “Beacon Conference.” Of this event Elder Woodruff wrote: “We united in prayer and held a council and unitedly felt that it was the will of God that Elder Young should go immediately to Manchester to assist in publishing a collection of hymns … and also to immediately print and finish 3000 copies of the Book of Mormon” (Journal of Wilford Woodruff, 20 May 1840).
