“Comment,” Ensign, Sept. 1998, 80
“Light in Darkness”
I wish to commend you on “Light in Darkness” (June 1998). It is encouraging to see your approach to educating readers about mental illness. I would like to think that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is setting a most admirable precedent by helping to dispel the stigma perpetuated by ignorance, which has for centuries added such a heavy burden to the hearts and souls of so many dear sisters and brothers. Those of us who have dedicated our lives to serving those with brain disorders thank you.
Karen Fallahi
President, Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association
Colorado Springs, Colorado
About two years ago I was hospitalized for being suicidal. My world collapsed, and a forbidding darkness settled into my life. I couldn’t figure out what I had done wrong. I was once an active Church member who loved serving others and going to the temple and the cannery. Then it seemed like overnight I was inactive. I felt like the Lord had left me in this darkness. I cowered even from my own shadow, and my days were in turmoil and struggle. I was finally diagnosed with bipolar disorder and multiple personality disorder.
I asked my bishop, “Do other LDS people have psychological disorders or problems like mine?” He didn’t know the answer at that time. I kept informing my bishop of all that was going on, and he was a comfort to a point. My family was also there for me. But I was still missing something. Where did I go wrong? I had trouble believing all this was happening to me.
I finally got to the point that I could pray for some understanding. Slowly I came back to church and started reading my scriptures and doing my visiting teaching. When I read the article “Light in Darkness,” my spirit soared. It was truly a godsend. I finally had some peace of mind, and I wanted to share the article with my family and friends. The words You’re not alone mean a whole lot more to me now.
Babette M. Rollins
Mesa, Arizona