Five New Areas Created
September 1998

“Five New Areas Created,” Ensign, Sept. 1998, 74

Five New Areas Created

The First Presidency has created five new areas, bringing the Church’s worldwide total to 28 areas.

  • The Africa Area was split into the new Africa West Area, with headquarters in Accra, Ghana, and the Africa Southeast Area, with headquarters remaining in Johannesburg, South Africa.

  • The Pacific Area and Philippines/Micronesia Area were split to form a new Pacific Islands Area, with headquarters in Auckland, New Zealand. The original two areas were renamed the Australia/New Zealand Area, with headquarters remaining in Sydney, Australia, and the Philippines Area, with headquarters remaining in Manila, Philippines.

  • The Brazil Area was split into the new Brazil North Area, with headquarters in Recife, and the Brazil South Area, with headquarters remaining in São Paulo.

  • The South America North Area was split to create the new South America West Area, with headquarters in Lima, Peru. The South America North Area remains headquartered in Quito, Ecuador.

  • The North America Northeast Area and North America Southeast Area were split to form the new North America East Area. The Area Presidencies of the North America Northeast and North America East Areas are based in Salt Lake City; the Area Presidency of the North America Southeast Area are now in Atlanta, Georgia.
