Helps for Home Evening
December 2012

“Helps for Home Evening,” Ensign, Dec. 2012, 73

Helps for Home Evening

“The Tradition of Light and Testimony,” page 28: Summarize the article and consider inviting your family to create a visual aid in some way to demonstrate the purpose of scaffolding. Consider discussing together how the Church’s structure gives your family “scaffolding” to “reach higher” to build your family and other aspects of your life.

“Prophets at Christmastime,” page 52: After reading several stories from the lives of our latter-day prophets, consider sharing with your family experiences you have had in which your life or the lives of others were touched by service or a special experience during a past Christmas. You may want to discuss ways to follow the examples of our prophets during this season.

“The Safety and Peace of Keeping the Commandments,” page 62: Those with young children might want to have them draw pictures of people doing righteous things along a road leading to a picture of a temple. Other families might consider reading the entire article and discussing it, emphasizing that “the pathway to happiness begins with righteousness through obedience to the commandments” (page 64).
