Lights and Marvels
December 2012

“Lights and Marvels,” Ensign, Dec. 2012, 16–17

Lights and Marvels


music, Lights and Marvels

1. The manner of His coming was so humble few gave heed.

Tho’ lights and marvels blazoned,

Their glad tidings few received.

The manner of His coming

Back to earth is with acclaim:

All men will kneel and worship;

Ev’ry tongue confess His name.

2. The manner of His coming to the seeking soul who prays

Is personal, a witness,

Thru’ the Spirit, of His grace

The manner of His coming

To our heart brings joy and peace,

In private lights and marvels,

As our faith and love increase.

He comes with lights and marvels!

Christ comes with Truth and Right!

Our hearts expand in worship;

Our eyes receive their sight.

© 2012 by Penelope Moody Allen and Michael F. Moody. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Photograph of Christus statue by Eric Johnsen, © IRI; background photographs by Craig Dimond, © IRI, and Benjamin Rider Haslam