undefined undefined Coming in January—Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth
Coming in January—Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth
December 2012

“Coming in January—Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth,” Ensign, Dec. 2012

Coming in January—Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth

How We Learn Together in the Lord’s Way


Learning in the Lord’s way includes coming to class prepared to learn, searching the scriptures and words of the prophets, explaining gospel truths to others, and sharing how living the gospel is influencing your life.


As you take a personal interest in the lives of your students, you will understand their needs, create relationships, and tailor learning experiences that will enable their personal conversion. The new curriculum will help you understand the doctrine and give you ideas to engage the youth in learning. Teaching this way is not a lecture but a conversation guided by the Spirit.


Taking a personal interest in what your children are learning will help you help them become responsible for their own learning. Your children will be invited to teach your family what they are learning. As you give them opportunities to do so, their testimonies and ability to share the gospel will grow.

Adult Leaders of Youth

You are responsible for how this curriculum is implemented in your ward or branch. As you provide ongoing training and set an example of teaching in the Lord’s way, your teachers will adopt this type of teaching. Focus on the needs of the youth and find ways to help the youth, parents, leaders, and teachers discuss these needs. This new curriculum will help facilitate the conversion of the youth in your ward or branch.