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December 2012

“Comments,” Ensign, Dec. 2012

Comments from Those Who Have Been Using the New Learning Resources for Youth

Over the past year, stakes throughout the world have been testing a new approach to Sunday learning. And those who have used it say it has made a big difference. Here’s what they’re saying:

From Youth

“What I love most is the learning—it doesn’t stop at just Sunday School. You … carry on throughout the week. And your teacher gives you assignments, and you need to come prepared for the next Sunday.”

“Once you get going in the right direction, it’s so easy to get people into these lessons because it’s just all the rest of the quorum members who really are teaching.”

“At the end of every class, … whoever has been teaching the lesson … will give us a challenge. … So throughout the week we’ll have that challenge to become better.”

From Teachers and Leaders

“As [the youth] speak, their testimonies grow and their understanding of that doctrine becomes part of them.”

“We discuss the challenges that the girls were given from the previous week. And typically, the experiences that they’ve had that week in trying to obey and learn the doctrine … brings the Spirit quicker than anything else we could do.”

“We’ve given the young men opportunities to do this, and they’ve succeeded. They’ve been able to be facilitators of gospel discussions.”

“Teaching in the Savior’s way requires effort every day. It takes constant practice. The key is love.”