Family Conflict
February 2017

“Family Conflict,” Ensign, February 2017

Friend Connection

Family Conflict

Learn how the Friend magazine can help your family understand a different sensitive topic each month.

Friend Connection article

Our families. We love them to the moon and back. Family life can be wonderful, funny, warm, and inspiring. But it can also be noisy, messy, challenging, and frustrating. Conflicts are inevitable. The question is this: How can we successfully deal with the conflicts and irritations that come with living in a family?

This month’s Friend has lots of help for your family:

  • I Can Be a Peacemaker When I …” (page 34)—Want to turn family troublemakers into family peacemakers? These 10 simple ideas can make a big difference.

  • Question Corner” (page 16)—“I really love my family, but sometimes I get annoyed with them. What can I do?” Children give wise answers, along with some great ideas that may work in your family!

  • Matt and Mandy” (page 30)—This month’s cartoon shows how Matt and Mandy’s family uses a family council to resolve an argument over chores.

  • Show and Tell” (page 26)—A letter from a Friend reader reminds kids that feeling grumpy sometimes just happens as they grow up.
