He Trusts Us with Hard Things, So Trust in Him and Act
June 2019

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He Trusts Us with Hard Things, So Trust in Him and Act

I never thought I would start a business. I saw myself as a talented supporter of those with the ideas, rather than the one leading the way. This was not the first time I had believed that I was incapable of something the Lord was prompting me to do. I had to be told three times to go back to university before I finally listened. I had failed a few papers in the past and that made me feel like studying wasn’t for me.

I was raised in the Tongan ward of the Auckland New Zealand Waterview Stake. I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints my whole life and was taught from a young age to always trust in, and act on, the guidance of the Lord.

This was a pattern in my life. I did not intend to go on a mission, but when the revelation came, I went. I did not want to go back to university, but with the Lord’s gentle persuasion, I finally obeyed. I absolutely did not believe that I would ever start a business of my own, but as the seeds of inspiration were sown and the soil cultivated with line upon line revelation, I found myself once again doing something I never thought I would.

Revelation comes to each of us in unique ways: to some, it is a warm feeling of peace, to others, a thought or an idea that won’t go away and to still others, a clear voice that speaks to their minds. For me, revelation comes bit by bit over time. With each bit of inspiration, the aim of my business became clearer: to connect companies to the community through programmes and initiatives that focus on creating real change.

I have learned throughout my life that trusting the guidance of the Lord is more than simply saying “Yes, I will obey.” We must act, and often what we must do is very hard. Nephi had to first make his own tools before he could follow the Lord’s commandment to build a ship. The Lord sent me on a mission and then back to university so I could develop the tools I would need to start this business.

On my mission, I learned to love all of God’s children. I observed and pondered on the great needs of His sheep and how those needs could be met on a large scale. At university, I learned about entrepreneurship. I learned to be more observant, creative, passionate and proactive. Under his continued guidance, I did a lot of research and ground work and was led to people that I needed to meet and to learn from. I participated in the “Starting and Growing my Business” course for added support. I prayed hard over every step, but the road has not been easy, and the way has not always been clear.

Last year, I hit a particularly low point in my journey. I was working hard but I felt like I was going nowhere. Before officially starting the business, I prayed to God and shared how I was feeling. As I was praying, a message came to me through the Holy Ghost: God knows that you will always do what He asks of you. He trusts you. Whenever I go through hard times, I am reminded of this moment and know that I must keep pushing forward even though it is hard.. Eventually, I was able to look back on that difficult times and see the perfect wisdom of His process and His timing. He knows what we need and when we are ready for it.

I still have a long way to go, but I know that my trust in the Lord and His trust in me will see me through this journey. I didn’t believe that university was for me, but I now have a degree in arts and commerce. I did not plan to serve a mission, but it became one of the greatest experiences of my life. When the Lord asks you to do something hard, do it! You’ll be surprised at what you are capable of under His perfect guidance and mercy.
