New Zealand Latter-day Saints Offer Love and Support to Muslim Friends
June 2019

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New Zealand Latter-day Saints Offer Love and Support to Muslim Friends

Following the tragic mass shootings in Christchurch on Friday 15 March 2019, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across New Zealand reached out in love and support to Muslim friends and neighbours.

In Auckland, Church members and other supporters welcomed Muslim friends into a local meetinghouse for a devotional that drew a congregation close to one thousand strong.

A day earlier (Saturday, 16 March), the president of the Church’s Tauranga New Zealand Stake, Francis Fitzpatrick, and his wife, Megan Fitzpatrick, shared some words of love and support in a YouTube video.

Many Tauranga Latter-day Saints have placed flowers and kind messages at the Tauranga mosque.

A Latter-day Saint Sunday School class joined with members of the local Muslim community, and others, in a small devotional.

Other Church members have posted supportive messages and musical items on social media. 

Latter-day Saint women in Dunedin are working alongside Clare Curran MP to set up a Muslim women’s support group. Women are signing up to be a friend, to walk with, go shopping with, and offer support in other ways.

“As a Church, we love God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and our neighbours,” Elder O. Vincent Haleck, president of the Pacific Area of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said.

“We strive to follow Jesus Christ by loving and serving those around us. We extend our love and support to our Muslim friends. We want them to know that we are with them, and as a nation and as communities we can move forward with faith, understanding and unity.”
