15,700 days and counting
December 2020

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15,700 Days and Counting

Little did I know how significant Christmas Day 1977 would become in my life. I have long forgotten about all of the presents I received that day—with one exception, a very special gift from my mother, the “Letts Schoolboys Diary 1978”. It contained all kinds of exciting stuff for boys—including facts about the Tower of London, how to make a radio receiver, Latin American legends and myths, along with many notable events in history. I just loved my diary. Little did I know, that one special little gift was to become a notable landmark in my own life.

Since that Christmas in 1977, some 43 years have passed by. That little diary inspired me. In fact, every Christmas since, my mother has given me a very similar gift, these days it is a page-a-day A5 diary. In all those years that have flown by, I have faithfully written every day (with only a few exceptions) and have now filled more than 45 journals (on my mission I wrote a few!) with daily experiences of life.

I love to record details of everyday family events, special occasions, marriages, births, deaths, changes in career, fun times, holidays, business trips, how I faced up to challenges, but most of all I love to record spiritual insights that have built my testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Those spiritual observations have made a long-lasting, life-changing impression on me.

My journals have become one of my most treasured earthly possessions. I often take time to reflect on the contents of each journal and to consider the experiences recorded. In our busy lives, where we are often trying to get that work/life balance just right, never ever forget to stop and take a moment and record that simple experience in your own journal. Today there are many online versions of journals available, but personally I like to write things down. In addition, make sure you have a good pen, as my first journal entries from 1978 written in pencil are beginning to fade!

This year, as we have studied The Book of Mormon, I am reminded of the great example of Nephi. “Having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. …

“And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with my own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge.” (1 Nephi 1:1, 3)

President Spencer W Kimball said, “Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life.

“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved? Some of what you write may be humdrum dates and places, but there will also be rich passages that will be quoted by your posterity.”1

As you consider giving a gift to someone this Christmas season, a journal may be the ideal present to wrap. Who knows, it could impact someone’s life, just as it has mine.

Finally, the best time to start writing a journal was yesterday. The next best time is today! I promise, you’ll never regret it!


  1. Spencer W. Kimball, “President Kimball Speaks Out on Personal Journals,” Ensign, Dec. 1980, 61.
