Church Member Honoured at High Sheriff’s Awards Night
December 2020

Church Member Honoured at High Sheriff’s Awards Night

A lifelong member of the Church, John Alan Davies of the Merthyr Tydfil First Ward, has served as a magistrate for the last 30 years. In recognition and appreciation for his voluntary service to the community, he was honoured at an award ceremony and presented with a certificate by the high sheriff of Mid Glamorgan, Tina Donnelly. Also in attendance at the ceremony representing Her Majesty the Queen, was the lord lieutenant of Mid Glamorgan, Professor Peter Vaughan.

Brother Davies is one of only two magistrates to have completed over 30 years’ service in the area. While it is now possible to volunteer to be a magistrate it was not always so. Brother Davies was nominated by a serving magistrate and when asked to volunteer, he was told that not only were they looking for someone to represent the community he lived in, but also the Church he attended.

At the time of his appointment he was serving as the bishop of the ward. He has also since served as a stake president and is now the stake patriarch, all while working full time.

Brother Davies serves as chair of the domestic violence courts and has always felt it to be important to serve in this aspect of law to help families in distress. As well as chairing courts, he acts as a mentor to and appraiser of other magistrates. The wisdom and calmness he has shown in difficult situations has been remarked upon by many of his colleagues, who often ask to work with him on hearings.

Of his experiences as a magistrate, he says that it has given him great satisfaction to have been able to help so many people.
