Norfolk Relief Society Handmade Poppies
December 2020

Norfolk Relief Society Handmade Poppies

The Relief Society of the Norwich Ward heard about a community project organised by the Norfolk Record Office and Library service to create a display for the centenary of the end of WWI, with a handmade poppy to represent every person listed on the war memorials of the county of Norfolk. In two months, members of the Relief Society and their families made about 259 poppies to donate to the project.

Sisters enjoyed getting involved, some knitting 20 poppies in a week without breaking a sweat and others who laboured over just one; all because they knew that each poppy represented a person. Some sisters made poppies specifically in memory of family members of whom they had learnt while doing their family history.

The ward’s contact at the Library in Norwich said of the project, “We have had so many different groups get involved that it has been a delight—everyone from Rainbow Guides and Beaver Scouts right through to a few care homes for the elderly. In between these two age extremes we have had lots of poppies from local craft groups, the Women’s Institute and church groups. Whilst at the moment the majority of poppies have been either knitted or crocheted, we have also had ones made from felt, ribbon and ingeniously red cupcake cases! Those of us running the project have been overwhelmed at the positivity the project has received and thank each and every person who has contributed.”
