The Secret Place
November 1971

“The Secret Place,” Friend, Nov. 1971, 45

The Secret Place

Young Jamie found an old spyglass.

‘Twas three feet long and bound with brass.

These seven words coiled ’round the base:

“A Youngling Sees the Secret Place.”

He held the glass up to his eye

And saw six spaceships in the sky.

Then on the far-off mountaintop

He spied a horse prance—clip-clop!

“Hey, Mom,” he called, “come, look in here

And watch that black-browed buccaneer.”

Mom put the glass up to her eye,

But all she saw was clear blue sky.

Then Jamie looked and cried aloud,

“Hey, Dad, a cowboy rides that cloud!”

Dad pressed the glass up to his eye,

But all he saw were clouds up high.

So Jamie polished up the lens

And watched gold warriors march by tens.

He saw a full-rigged ship sail down

The longest, widest street in town.

Then Mom and Dad grabbed up the glass,

But all they saw were streets and grass.

Young Jamie traced the inscribed base

And smiled. He’d seen the Secret Place!

Illustrated by Cheryl Torney
