A Word Search
November 1972

“A Word Search,” Friend, Nov. 1972, 23

A Word Search

By adding the correct letters in the blanks, you will be able to make a new word for each clue.

1. Cow in a boat

__ cow

2. Light in a snub

__ light

3. Tree in an avenue

__ tree __

4. Horn in a sticker

__ horn

5. Rain in a gutter

__ rain

6. Map in a tree

map __ __

7. Dish in a vegetable

__ __ dish

8. Pin in a whirl

__ pin

9. Oil in the ground

__ oil

10. Trap in leather

__ trap


  • (1) scow, (2) slight, (3) street, (4) thorn, (5) drain, (6) maple, (7) radish, (8) spin, (9) soil, (10) strap.
