Zeb at the Meetinghouse
November 1972

“Zeb at the Meetinghouse,” Friend, Nov. 1972, inside back cover

Zeb at the Meetinghouse

I’m Zeb, a Pilgrim boy.

I thank Thee, Lord, for fun and joy.

I thank Thee for the sun that made

Our corn grow tall, and for the shade

Where hickory nuts fall, hard and round,

And for the streams where fish are found.

I thank Thee too that we will eat

A feast today of bread and meat.

And if it could just be Thy will,

Please make the speakers soon be still;

Then we could all—from great to least—

Go up and gather for the feast.

But if more preaching pleases Thee,

Then think no more of hungry me!

Illustrated by Phyllis Luch
