A Crisis Quiz
March 1974

“A Crisis Quiz,” Friend, Mar. 1974, 17

A Crisis Quiz

Boys and girls are as concerned as adults about the problems of today. Here is a true or false quiz to see how much you know about pollution and conservation of energy.

1. Soaking paper turns it into pulp so it can then be dried, flattened, and recycled to be used again.

2. Pollution does not affect wildlife.

3. Canada has a trash incinerator that produces steam for factories, and the ashes are used to build roads.

4. Closing the door when you go outside will help keep heat inside your home.

5. A leak of a drop a second from a hot water faucet wastes much water in a year.

6. Compacted trash has never been used to make a ski hill.

7. Hot gases from burning trash can be used to make electricity.

8. Fighting pollution involves throwing things away only in their proper places.

9. Scientists are exploring how to turn coal into gas.

10. Closing drapes and shades at night will help keep heat in the home.

11. Taking a bath uses less water than a shower.

12. It takes more electricity to turn lights off and on in your house than to leave them on when not using them.

13. Pieces of broken glass can be mixed with cement to pave roads.

14. Most countries are facing an energy crisis.

15. You can help save gasoline by walking or riding your bicycle instead of going in a car.

16. Collecting old papers and aluminum cans for recycling does not help fight pollution.

17. Simply lowering the speed of trucks, buses, and cars will save fuel.

18. Tires that are properly inflated on a car can save gasoline.

19. Dishes should be done one by one under running hot water and not in a pan.

20. A black and white television uses as much electricity as a colored television.

21. Lowering the temperature in your home will help to conserve energy.

22. Lower temperatures keep a person thinner and more alert.

23. One thick layer of clothing is warmer than several thin layers of loose clothing.

24. Every time you open the oven to peek inside, 20% of the heat is lost.


  • (1) T, (2) F, (3) T, (4) T, (5) T, (6) F, (7) T, (8) T, (9) T, (10) T, (11) F, (12) F, (13) T, (14) T, (15) T, (16) F, (17) T, (18) T, (19) F, (20) F, (21) T, (22) T, (23) F, (24) T.
