True Stories from Fiji
March 1974

“True Stories from Fiji,” Friend, Mar. 1974, 48

True Stories from Fiji

A Special Testimony

When Juliet was a tiny baby, she had severe pains in her stomach and needed two operations before she was even a year old.

One day when she was older, Juliet’s temperature went higher and higher. Her mother tried to make her little girl more comfortable, but nothing seemed to help. Finally she decided to go to the mission home nearby and ask the elders to give her daughter a blessing.

The missionaries did as she asked, and when they returned a few hours later to see how Juliet was feeling, she was sleeping quietly.

Juliet was treated at the Primary Children’s Hospital two different times, but she was never completely well. However, the blessings given helped to make her more comfortable.

Juliet kept urging her family to become members. Finally in March 1968 they were all baptized. Within the Church they found friendship and happiness. They remember with special love Juliet and her testimony and are grateful that she influenced them and many others to join the Church.

A Good Example

Jayant loved the Church even before he became a member. He liked to listen to his uncle talk about the gospel and tell how he had been the first person from India to join the Church in Fiji.

After listening to the missionaries, Jayant asked his parents if he might join the Church. They gave their permission, and Jayant tried hard to be a missionary to his family by living the principles of the gospel and being a good example.

Before long Jayant’s father and brother were baptized, but his mother hesitated. Her grandfather had been an important Hindu priest in India, and she was worried about what her family would say if she became a Mormon. Because of the example of her son, however, she too finally joined the Church.

Now all of Jayant’s family are active in their branch in Suva, Fiji, and they know the love and joy that come from serving our Father in heaven.

A Blessing

Oripa lives in the Fiji islands. A few years ago she wanted more than anything in all the world to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Her big sister was a member of the Church, and Oripa asked her parents if she could be baptized too, but they refused.

Finally, however, when Oripa was ten years old, her prayers were answered. She was so happy when she was confirmed a member of the Church she just couldn’t stop crying tears of happiness. Oripa knew that our Heavenly Father would bless her.

Oripa worked hard and did her best at home and at school. All the children of Fiji in class 6 were given their intermediate examination. When the tests were graded, Oripa had the highest mark of any child in her grade in all of Fiji.

That night when her big sister came home, she kissed Oripa and congratulated her for doing so well on the test. When her proud parents asked Oripa about the examination, she explained that she knew this was a blessing from our Heavenly Father because she had joined His Church.
