Friends in Fiji
March 1974

“Friends in Fiji,” Friend, Mar. 1974, 5

Friends in Fiji

Fiji is truly the hub of the Pacific. There are so many different races there that Church services have to be held in English even though it is a second language for at least 95% of the members.

At the Suva District conference in October, one of the speakers asked the different groups to stand. There were Tongans, Samoans, Gilbertese, Rotumans, Orientals, Fijians, Indians, New Zealanders, and Americans. Each group (except the Americans) had a substantial representation. On this page is a picture of young children of different races who attend the Church school in Suva.

There are nine branches of the Church in Fiji, but at present only one chapel. However, ground-breaking services were held last October for another chapel in Suva, and members of the Church are looking for land on which to build more places to meet.

The people in Fiji eat taro (which they call dalo), taro leaves, kumala, cassava (tapioca), and fish. All are used with grated coconut or lolo (coconut cream).
