undefined undefined The Holy Ghost Crossword Puzzle
The Holy Ghost Crossword Puzzle
August 1977

“The Holy Ghost Crossword Puzzle,” Friend, Aug. 1977, 37

The Holy Ghost Crossword Puzzle

Crossword Puzzle


1. Heavenly Father has given us the _____ of the Holy Ghost to help us make decisions.

4. Having the Holy Ghost will make us _____ spiritually.

8. We talk about having the Gift _____ the Holy Ghost.

9. A sound repeated.

10. To establish the truth of something.

11. In or at this place.

12. Abbreviation for southeast.

13. A mother holds a baby on her _____.

14. Mountain system in Europe.

16. Inside.

18. To search.

19. Second tone on musical scale.

20. The Lord gave Moses _____ commandments.

21. Small child.

22. Sometimes the Holy Ghost is called the Spirit of _____.

25. A sure knowledge of the gospel received thought revelation from the Holy Ghost is called a _____.


1. The Holy Ghost is the third member of the _____.

2. We can have the companionship of the Holy Ghost _____ we live worthily.

3. Past tense of tear.

4. The Holy Ghost is sometimes called the ______.

5. Frozen water.

6. Abbreviation for chapter.

7. Special place where a family lives.

10. Revelations from the Holy Ghost for the whole Church are given to our _____.

12. The Holy Ghost is a _____.

15. The _____ rises every morning.

17. Abbreviation of northeast.

20. Preposition indicating movement.

21. You _____ when making a certain kind of lace.

23. Eaten by animals.

24. A player in a game.


  • Across—(1) gift, (4) rich, (8) of, (9) echo, (10) prove, (11) here, (12) SE, (13) lap, (14) Alps, (16) inside, (18) hunt, (19) re, (20) ten, (21) tot, (22) Truth, (25) testimony. Down—(1) Godhead, (2) if, (3) fore, (4) Revelator, (5) ice, (6) ch., (7) home, (10) prophet, (12) Spirit, (15) sun, (17) NE, (20) to, (21) tat, (23) hay, (24) it.