Who Makes What?
September 1978

“Who Makes What?” Friend, Sept. 1978, 43

Who Makes What?

The following artisans are known for their finished products. Can you match them with the wares of their trade?

1. glazier

a. stones and bricks

2. cooper

b. knives, swords, and spears

3. blacksmith

c. doors, moldings, and staircases

4. joiner

d. windows

5. tanner

e. horseshoes and wagon wheels

6. mason

f. bedposts, mallets, and wooden handles

7. cutler

g. hides and skins

8. turner

h. barrels and tubs


  • (1) d, (2) h, (3) e, (4) c, (5) g, (6) a, (7) b, (8) f.
