“Contents,” Friend, July 1980 Friend July 1980 Volume 10, Number 7 Contents Stories and Features The Light in Emma’s RoomRay Goldrup Friend to FriendJoleen Meredith Our Creative Friends A Place of Our OwnJoy N. Hulme George Albert Smith 1870–1951 Frontiers of Science: Living LightsDr. Sherwood B. Idso Fourth of July ConfusionLeone Castell Anderson Exploring: Why Compass Needles Point NorthSonja Towne The Good DragonMurray T. Pringle Strange CatchCarolyn B. King Millicent Won’t Move!Thomas R. Chapman Prairie ThunderstormDian Saderup Friends in the News The Never-Never PonyJoan Chase Bacon Hutterite ChildrenJacqueline Rogers Play to Win!Martha Tolles Verse Cloud MagicBob Redding Stepping StonesValerie Fossey Things to Make and Do Funstuf Kitchen KraftsWinnifred and Ann Jardine July Calendar Paper Doll—1820June Anne Olsen Cover by Peggy Curtis