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July 1980
Cloud Magic
Bob Redding
The Light in Emma’s Room
Ray Goldrup
Friend to Friend
Joleen Meredith
A Place of Our Own
Joy N. Hulme
George Albert Smith 1870–1951
Frontiers of Science: Living Lights
Sherwood B. Idso
Where Is John From?
Patricia L. Dombrink
Margaret L. Crawford
What Tree Is It?
Milk Carton Boat
Strange Catch
Carolyn B. King
Millicent Won’t Move!
Thomas R. Chapman
Prairie Thunderstorm
Dian Saderup
The Never-Never Pony
Joan Chase Bacon
Hutterite Children
Jacqueline Rogers
Play to Win!
Martha Tolles
“Strange Catch,” Friend, July 1980, 30–31
By Carolyn B. King
Illustrated by Doug Roy