Hidden Fruits
September 1983

“Hidden Fruits,” Friend, Aug.–Sept. 1983, 23

Hidden Fruits

The name of a fruit is hidden in each of these sentences. Find each name by joining adjacent words of parts of words.

Example: The zoo keeper fed the little monkey.

  1. Can you shape a charm bracelet from metal scraps?

  2. If I go to the concert, I’ll let you know.

  3. We bought a stereo for Angelo’s birthday.

  4. Nora and her dog, Skip, run every morning before breakfast.

  5. Tom at one time thought about becoming an astronaut.

  6. Papa yawned involuntarily because he had not slept well.

  7. The Yankee baseball cap pleased the new ball girl.

  8. Look! Myra is in the backyard, weeding the garden.

  9. Carlos sent me long-stemmed roses for my birthday.

  10. Customers should shop early for bargains.

  11. Use a blender to whip lumps out of homemade ice cream.

  12. Before going on his diet, David ate two pieces of custard pie.


  • (1) peach, (2) fig, (3) orange, (4) prune, (5) tomato, (6) papaya, (7) apple, (8) raisin, (9) melon, (10) pear, (11) plum, (12) date.
