My Drawings in Clay
September 1983

“My Drawings in Clay,” Friend, Aug.–Sept. 1983, 28

My Drawings in Clay

My name is Louisa Bennion, and I am five years old. I live in Spring City, Utah, with my parents and my sister, Zina. Dad is a potter, and Mom draws and paints. I love to draw and to work with clay. My family has a pottery shop about a block from our home, where Dad and I often work together.

Photos by Dick Brown


1. Dad helps me by rolling out a slab of clay with a rolling pin.

2. The clay is ready to draw on. Instead of a pen or pencil, I use a sharp stick or a nail.

3. I am drawing a picture of Abraham and Isaac at the altar. It is one of my favorite Bible stories.

4. After I have drawn the picture, I add color with a paintbrush.

5. Now the slab should dray for several days. When Dad fires his kiln, he will put my slab in with his work and fire it at over 2000ºF. (1100ºC.)! This makes the clay turn hard like stone.

Here is a self-portrait I did of myself when I was four.

These are drawings I did of a baby swallow growing up.

This is a plaque I did of the resurrected Jesus and a soldier, who was amazed.

Here is a plaque I did of Santa Claus with his big bag.

This is a plaque I did of a boy riding a horse.
