Seeing Double
November 1983

“Seeing Double,” Friend, Nov. 1983, 38

Seeing Double

Words that have the same or a similar meaning are called synonyms—for example: shovel and spade. See if you can match each word in the first column with its synonym in the second column.

1. Tornado

a. Signature

2. Bullfighter

b. Cantaloupe

3. Cat

c. Hamlet

4. Autograph

d. Galoshes

5. Glen

e. Toreador

6. Overshoes

f. Valley

7. Miser

g. Coach

8. Village

h. Cyclone

9. Muskmelon

i. Feline

10. Carriage

j. Penny pincher


  • (1) h, (2) e, (3) i, (4) a, (5) f, (6) d, (7) j, (8) c, (9) b, (10) g.
