“Contents,” Friend, Jan. 1985 Friend January 1985 Volume 15, Number 1 Contents Stories and Features Special SistersBetty Lou Mell Friend to FriendJanet Peterson The CleansingLaura Dene Card Friends in the News A Shelter from the StormSandra Stanway Carnaval CostumeLucille Bellucci The Right AnswersWanda E. Matula Exploring: OtedamaRagene Henry The Growing Church The Magic WindowArline Rose Salute from a RedcoatMarie Larsen Our Creative Friends The Toast and Jam MysteryBecky Thoman Lindberg Christmas in JanuaryMary Ann Kuta Ricky and the TeamElke Pettipas Verse “I’m Hibernating!”Sandy Halverson Snow CircusSandra Liatsos Here Come SnowflakesFrances Carfi Matranga Things to Make and Do Find the J’sMick Reasor Funstuf Kitchen Krafts: Make-in-the-Pan CakesLee-lee Schlegel Sunday Is a Special DayCatherine M. Moses January Calendar Sharing Time: Seek the LordPat Graham and Sharon Martin Calendar Cutout Cover by Jill Thompson