Latter-day Prophets
November 1986

“Latter-day Prophets,” Friend, Nov. 1986, 24–25

Latter-day Prophets

Instructions: Mount page 24 on lightweight cardboard, then cut out prophets and identifications along solid lines. You can match the prophet with his proper identification, or you can glue the identification on the back of each prophet and then try to identify him.

1 Joseph Smith, Jr.

First President of Church

Leader of Restoration

Martyred for his faith

2 Brigham Young

Second President of Church

Led Saints to Salt Lake Valley

Established colonies throughout West

3 John Taylor

Third President of Church

Called “Defender of Faith”

4 Wilford Woodruff

Fourth President of Church

Issued Manifesto ending practice of plural marriage

Dedicated Salt Lake Temple

5 Lorenzo Snow

Fifth President of Church

Reemphasized law of tithing

6 Joseph F. Smith

Sixth President of Church

Established family home evening program

Received section 138 of D&C

7 Heber J. Grant

Seventh President of Church

Taught persistence in overcoming weaknesses and in developing talents

8 George Albert Smith

Eighth President of Church

Taught that loving and helping others is secret to happy life

9 David O. McKay

Ninth President of Church

Believed that “no success can compensate for failure in the home”

10 Joseph Fielding Smith

Tenth President of Church

Emphasized line of priesthood authority

Directed formation of Ensign, New Era, Friend

11 Harold B. Lee

Eleventh President of Church

Made great contribution to Church Welfare Program and Church Correlation

12 Spencer W. Kimball

Twelfth President of Church

Asked members to lengthen stride in service, missionary work, temple building

13 Ezra Taft Benson
(1899– )

Thirteenth President of Church

Emphasizes the importance of Book of Mormon, patriotism, and family values
