My Thank-You Song
November 1986

“My Thank-You Song,” Friend, Nov. 1986, 39

My Thank-You Song

I’m learning to say “thank you”

For so many, many things.

I tell my sister “thank you”

When she helps me on the swings.

And I say, “Thank you, Mother,”

When she helps me brush my hair

And “thank you” to my daddy

When he takes me to the fair.

I have a big, tall brother

Who can reach high on the shelf

To get my books and toys

That I cannot reach myself.

So when my brother helps me,

I say “thank you” right away,

Then take the books and toys he got

And run outside to play.

Soon I’ll be seeing Grandma,

And I’ll know just what to do.

She’ll say, “My, you’re looking pretty!”

And I’ll laugh and say, “Thank you.”

When she gets down her cookie jar,

Filled with goodies just for me,

I know that I’ll remember

To say “thank you” cheerfully.

I’ll practice saying “thank you”

Every time I think I should.

It makes me very happy

To be showing gratitude.

And when the day is over

And I kneel to say my prayer,

I’ll say, “Thank you, Heavenly Father,

For my family’s love and care.”

Illustrated by Elise Niven Black
